Invited Speakers

Dr hab. n. farm. Sławomir Wilczyński, prof. SUM

Head of the Department and Department of Basic Biomedical Sciences, Faculty of Pharmaceutical Sciences, Medical University of Silesia in Katowice. He is professionally involved in the field of bioengineering. His scientific interests are focused on modern imaging methods used in medicine and pharmacy, including hyperspectral imaging, dynamic thermal analysis, high-resolution ultrasound as well as other techniques such as EPR, NMR and hemispherical directional reflectance. He is author of over 200 scientific papers, patents and industrial designs. He serves as an expert for the of the Polish National Center for Research and Development, the Ministry of Economy of the Republic of Poland, the Medical Research Agency, the Polish Accreditation Commission and the Polish National Economy Bank. Member of the Investment Committee in the Bridge Alfa NCBiR program. Member of the Technical Committee (KT) 334 for Cosmetic Products in the Polish Committee for Standardization (PKN) and in the Working Group 7 Sun protection test methods (WG 7) operating within the ISO/TC 217 Committee. He is Editor-in-chief of a professional journal in the field of aesthetic medicine and dermatology – Aesthetica and editor of Advances in Therapy (Springer Nature). He is an executor and coordinator in Polish and international grants. 

Prof. dr hab. inż. Tomasz Wasilewski

Obtained his doctoral degree at the Faculty of Materials Science and Engineering of the Warsaw University of Technology in 2004. Then, in 2014, at the Faculty of Commodity Science of the University of Economics in Krakow, he obtained the degree of habilitated doctor. In 2021, by the decision of the President of the Republic of Poland, he was awarded the title of professor. He works at the Faculty of Applied Chemistry at the University of Radom (Poland). In the years 2016-2019 he was the Dean of the Faculty, and in the years 2012-2016 he was the Deputy Dean for Research. In the years 2013-2020 he headed the Department of Chemistry, and then the Department of Commodity Science and Quality Sciences. He established and manages the work of the Laboratory of Commodity Science of Cosmetics and Household Chemistry Products. In 2024, he was appointed to the Advisory Team of the Minister of Science in the field of research infrastructure. In turn, in 2020, he was appointed by the Minister of Development, Labor and Technology as a member of the Council for Competences of the Chemical Sector. In the years 2017-2022, he served as Vice President of the Main Board of the Polish Society of Commodity Science, in the years 2019-2023 as Vice Chairman of the Commission of Commodity Sciences – Quality Sciences of the Polish Academy of Sciences, and in the years 2016-2021 as Editor-in-Chief of the Polish Journal of Commodity Science. He is a member of the Scientific Council of the journals: Przemysł Chemiczny and Cosmetics and Detergents. Since 2017, he has been a Member of the Competition Jury of the Gold Medal of the Poznań International Fair – Forum Beauty Vision. He is also an expert of the Polish Society of Commodity Experts in the field of cosmetics, toiletries and detergents.  In 2020, he was appointed by the Minister of Development, Labor and Technology as a member of the Chemical Sector Competence Council. He is also an expert of the Polish Society of Commodity Science in the field of cosmetic, toilet and detergent products.

Professor Wasilewski conducts research and teaching activities related to the physicochemical and functional properties of surfactants, the development and production of modern delivery systems, optimization of formulations and quality assessment of cosmetics and household chemicals. He is the author of over 150 scientific articles, 1 scientific monograph, 1 US Patent and 54 Polish Patents. He presented the results of his work during more than 50 presentations at prestigious congresses and scientific symposia, including plenary speeches during, among others, IGWT Symposium Sustainability, Quality and Innovation in Rome or the International Conference on Surfactant & Detergent in Shanghai.

Prof. Dr. Ilkay Erdogan Orhan

Prof. Dr. Ilkay Erdogan Orhan holds a Pharmacist degree (1993) from Gazi University (Ankara, Türkiye), 1st M.Sc. degree from the Department of Pharmacognosy at the same Faculty (1996). She earned the Ph.D. degree in Pharmacognosy at the Faculty of Pharmacy, Gazi University (Ankara, Türkiye) in 2002.  She was promoted to Assoc. Prof. position by the Higher Education Council (Türkiye) in 2004 and to full professor in 2009. Dr. Orhan was appointed as Dean of the Faculty of Pharmacy at Eastern Mediterranean University in Northern Cyprus (2011-2014) and Dean of the Faculty of Pharmacy at Gazi University in Ankara, Türkiye (2016-2024). Currently, Dr. Orhan is Dean of the Faculty of Pharmacy at Lokman Hekim University in Ankara, Türkiye.

Dr. Orhan received several awards such as Young Woman Scientist Award in Asia continent by OWSD (Organization of Women in Science in Developing Countries) & Elsevier, Science Award in Biology by COMSTECH (OIC Standing Committee on Science and Technological Cooperation) in 2010, Young Woman Scientist Award (in Life Sciences) by L’Oreal & Turkish Academy of Sciences in 2011, and Honor Award by Gazi University in 2011, Innovation Award for Women in Turkey in 2015, Science Award by Turkish Association of Pharmacists in 2016, Golden Mortar Science Award in Pharmacy in 2017, Silver Medal for Patent in International Invention Fair by Turkish Ministry of Science and Technology in 2017 as well as Best Academic Invention Medal by International Federation of Invention Associations (IFIA) in 2018. She also received the TWAS (The World Academy of Sciences) Science Award in Chemistry and a Certificate of Outstanding Service and Achievement from the Turkish Industrialists and Businessmen’s Foundation (TÜSİAV) and Climate Ambassador Award by the Turkish Vegan and Healthy Life Tourism Association (TEVSAD) & Turkish Industrialists and Businessmen Foundation (TÜSİAV) & Ministry of Environment and Urbanization in 2024. She is the principal member of the Turkish Academy of Sciences (TÜBA) and served as the Representative of Southeast Europe & Turkey Region for the Phytochemical Society of Europe (PSE) for 2019-2023.

She is currently the author of 307 scientific papers listed by SCI-E, 40 articles in other scientific journals, 24 book chapters, 4 patents (Turkish, US, & EP), 6 patent applications, and 3 books. Her h index is 59 (Web of Science) and 63 (SCOPUS) with over 17500 citations. Her research interests are chemistry and bioactivities of natural products, natural cosmetics, phytotherapy, sports pharmacy, and aromatherapy. She is presently the Associate Editor of Phytomedicine. According to standardized citation counts by Standford University AD index, she is among the “world’s most influential scientists”. In Turkish scientists national ranking in all fields, Prof. Orhan ranks 73rd, placed in top 100 scientists.

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